Johannes van Vloten once was one of the founders of Humanism in Holland. This sculpture is a tribute to his thoughts and merits. It shows a group of 4 people connected to each other and symbolizing one’s own responsibility in society. In the body of the first person is a quote of Johannes van Vloten: “Society and mankind start with each of us”. The second person shows that personal action is essential to bring this into practice by writing the text on the body of the first person. In the third person the face of van Vloten has been portrayed. It seems as if he embraces the other people of this group. The fourth person is unfinished to emphasize that no philosophy will ever be perfect. The transparent style of this sculpture and the arched forms are in full harmony with the historical centre of the city, the background of the former Athaeneum Illustre where van Vloten taught and the nearby gothic church where this sculpture was placed to celebrate 250 years of humanism in Holland.